Keywords: financial market, innovative instrument, financial innovations, risk management, cryptocurrency, blockchain, mobile payments, crowdfunding, financial system, financial infrastructure, financial market operations, globalization


The article is dedicated to the analysis of the evolution of the role of financial innovations in addressing the challenges faced by modern financial markets. The study examines various aspects of the role of financial innovations, such as the implementation of cutting-edge technologies, including blockchain, artificial intelligence, mobile payments, and crowdfunding, and their impact on enhancing market operation efficiency, reducing risks, and ensuring the stability of financial systems. Special attention is given to the problems that arise during the implementation of innovative instruments and the strategic approaches to overcoming them. The research results indicate that the comprehensive implementation of financial innovations can become a key factor in ensuring the competitiveness and adaptability of financial markets to new challenges of the global economy. In particular, the analysis of global experience emphasizes the importance of integrating innovative approaches to stabilize markets and enhance their efficiency in a dynamic environment.


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