Keywords: merger, strategy, adaptation, war, enterprise, capital


The topicality of the topic is due to the need to study the impact of military operations on the merger market and determine strategies for adapting enterprises to new economic conditions. War significantly changes the economic landscape, creating both new challenges and opportunities for business. The purpose of the article is to study modern trends in the merger of enterprises in the conditions of war. The concept of merger as one of the directions of enterprise reorganization is considered; types of mergers: merger of forms, merger of assets, merger. The advantages and disadvantages of the merger of enterprises in the conditions of war are highlighted, which in turn can be both an opportunity to consolidate resources and increase stability, as well as a source of significant risks. The main challenges and opportunities that arise before business in conditions of political and economic instability are analyzed. The key factors affecting the merger market are identified, such as increased risks, changes in legislation and the need to adapt business models. Attention is focused on the importance of M&A as a tool for the survival and development of enterprises. In addition, strategies that allow enterprises to act effectively in crisis conditions, as well as to use opportunities for further development and growth, are considered. It is noted that the war in Ukraine creates unique conditions for the merger market. The analysis of merger agreements of enterprises in the pre-war period and during the war was carried out. Mergers have been found to be an important tool for strategic development that can help strengthen market positions, gain access to new technologies, market segments, expertise, talent and resources. Special attention is paid to issues of strategic management in the conditions of war, in particular the importance of adapting business models, digitization, cost optimization and risk diversification. The article will be useful for scientists, economists, entrepreneurs and investors who are interested in issues of corporate governance and anti-crisis management in the conditions of military conflicts.


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How to Cite
Kysliak , S. (2024). CURRENT TRENDS OF BUSINESS MERGERS IN THE CONDITIONS OF WAR. Economy and Society, (65). Retrieved from