Keywords: structural transformations, innovations, capital intensive projects, financial resilient, motivational equation, stakeholders, Ukraine


The article updates the problem of effective management of the implementation of development projects of entrepreneurial structures. The task should be solved considering restructuring of Ukraine's economy aimed to restore its ability to satisfy societal needs for goods and services in the conditions of the war and the post-war recovery, as well as high turbulence and uncertainty of the global business environment. The study emphasizes on the fact that the implementation of projects of the development of entrepreneurial structures covers a significant number of new and therefore poorly structured tasks, that may have alternative solutions. Including those that go beyond the general rules of business conduction and may cause risks of loss of business stability. Compliance policy prevents such risks. The paper presents author's interpretation of the nature of compliance risks from the standpoint of institutional economics as risks due to decisions of individual agents of economic activity that they made in order to obtain illegal benefits in badly organized economic situations. The types and conditions of the occurrence of compliance risks in the implementation of innovative investment projects by enterprises are structured, seeing the features of the institutional environment of Ukraine. The consequences caused compliance risks and their motivational foundations are detailed in context of tasks of management of development projects. The term "motivational equation" was introduced. It defines the ratio of incentives and anti-incentives that influence the agent's choice of a management decision, outlining the effects of its implementation for the agent. Considering that the study accents that the "motivational equation" should be clearly integrated into all hierarchical levels of management of entrepreneurial structures to ensure efficient compliance control system during the implementation of innovative development projects.


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