Keywords: logistics, logistics activities, import, export, logistics strategies, supply chains, risk factors


The article is dedicated to a comprehensive exploration of the current issues related to organizing international transportation within the logistics activities of enterprises during wartime. It provides an in-depth analysis of the unique challenges and disruptions that arise when coordinating cross-border logistics in a conflict environment, where traditional supply chains are often severely compromised. The efficiency of Ukraine's logistics system is thoroughly examined, with particular attention given to how this efficiency plays a critical role in maintaining the stable functioning of the national economy amidst ongoing military operations. The study highlights the significance of a resilient logistics infrastructure in ensuring that essential goods and services continue to flow, despite the obstacles presented by war. An analysis of the dynamics of import-export operations has been carried out, including a detailed study of changes in trade volumes and directions, as well as the identification of the main commodity groups subject to transportation. The distribution of export and import goods by types of transportation, including road, rail, sea, and air transportation, has been analyzed. Special attention is paid to assessing the efficiency of each type of transport in ensuring an uninterrupted logistics chain under the constraints and risks caused by military actions. In addition to analyzing logistical challenges, the article also explores adaptation strategies with a focus on enhancing resilience to current and future risk factors induced by the war. Risk factors that have influenced the formation of business processes in the logistics sector have been identified. Issues of adapting the logistics strategies of enterprises to new conditions are separately considered, including the implementation of alternative routes, the use of reserve warehouses, and so on. Moreover, the study emphasizes the importance of flexibility and resilience in logistics strategies, as businesses must continuously adapt to rapidly changing circumstances. The findings of this article offer valuable insights for both logisticians and researchers, providing a comprehensive understanding of the logistical challenges and strategic adaptations necessary to sustain international trade and economic stability during wartime.


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How to Cite
Kryveshchenko, V., Khmurkovskyi, H., & Liadenko , T. (2024). INTERNATIONAL TRANSPORTATION IN THE SYSTEM OF LOGISTICS ACTIVITIES OF ENTERPRISES. Economy and Society, (64).