In the conditions of globalization processes, armed conflicts, the complication of the economic situation, the issue of effective formation of the personnel potential of the educational institution and the organization of work with it has become especially relevant. The problem of managing the personnel potential of an educational institution is complex and multifaceted, which requires systematic analysis and evaluation. The purpose of the study is to study the theoretical and methodological principles of assessing the effectiveness of the formation of the educational institution's personnel potential and the organization of work with it. The article is devoted to the study of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the effectiveness of the formation of the personnel potential of the educational institution and the organization of work with it. The article states that the personnel potential of the educational institution plays an important role in ensuring the functioning of the educational institution. In turn, the basis for effective use of personnel potential is its systematic assessment. It was determined that the goals of assessing the personnel potential of an educational institution and organizing work with it include managerial, informational, and motivational. The article states that the subject of the assessment of personnel potential and the organization of work with it is the management of the educational institution. The target audience of the assessment is managers who conduct the assessment and make certain decisions about the employee, as well as the personnel management department, which is the developer and coordinator of the assessment procedure. The main tasks of evaluating the personnel potential of an educational institution and organizing work with it are listed, namely, the collection and analysis of information about personnel potential, management of employee activities, employee development, work motivation, determination of the amount of remuneration. The main approaches to the assessment of the personnel potential of the educational institution (situational, complex, systemic, quantitative, administrative) are given, as well as their features. A study of the views existing in the scientific literature on the list and grouping of indicators for assessing personnel potential and work organization was conducted, on the basis of which such groups of indicators as indicators of quantitative status, indicators of professional and qualification composition, social indicators, indicators of the level of motivation, indicators of the organizational level were distinguished.
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