Keywords: women's empowerment, leadership diversity, women's leadership, gender equality, gender balance, gender representation, women in management, leadership equality, women leaders


The article addresses the issue of ensuring gender balance in management positions both in Ukraine and in the world. The main challenges include stereotypes about the role of women in society, insufficient support from the state and employers, and limited access to resources and careers. development opportunities. First, the article delves into the complex issue of gender balance in leadership roles, both nationally and globally. Drawing on data from the Global Gender Gap Report 2023, the article presents a clear picture of Ukraine's situation compared to other countries, particularly focusing on economic participation and opportunities. The article provides a comprehensive review of the various barriers women face, including pervasive gender stereotypes that limit women to traditional roles, limiting their aspirations and career opportunities. To provide a balanced view, the article also highlights successful examples and practices from various regions and industries that have made significant progress in promoting gender diversity in leadership positions. The article also discusses the systemic nature of these biases, which are often rooted in organizational cultures and policies. Another significant challenge is the lack of support from both the state and employers. Without an appropriate maternity leave policy, childcare support and flexible work arrangements, women find it difficult to reconcile professional and personal responsibilities, which in turn affects their professional development. The article also discusses the positive impact of gender diversity on business performance. Research shows that companies with diverse management teams are more likely to achieve better financial results than their competitors and are better prepared to innovate. The article highlights the importance of a multi-faceted approach to achieving gender balance in management positions. The article calls for a paradigm shift in the way societies perceive and value women's contributions in professional settings, calling on stakeholders to recognize that gender diversity is not only a moral imperative, but also a strategic advantage.


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How to Cite
Druhova, O. (2024). GENDER EQUALITY IN LEADERSHIP. Economy and Society, (65). Retrieved from