• Oksana Bulkot Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
  • Sviatoslav Svyrydenko Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Keywords: energy sector, energy sectorM&A deals, investments, international business environment, economic transformation


The article examines the factors, conditions, and results of M&A transactions in the energy sector. It is noted that global M&A trends in the energy sector reflect the complex and interrelated processes taking place in the global economy and geopolitics. The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that the changes taking place in the energy sector affect the energy systems of all countries of the world, which is due to the implementation of the principles of sustainable development by the international community, as energy policy plays an important role in ensuring global climate and energy sustainability. The purpose of the article is to identify current trends in M&A transactions in the global energy sector. The following methods were used in the study: system analysis method, statistical method, structural-functional method, logical method, graphical method. It is determined that the transformation of the global energy market is associated with a change in the energy paradigm, which affects the structure of international M&A transactions. The main factors of development of the modern energy market are indicated, in particular, the following: growth in the supply of liquefied natural gas and shale oil; growth in demand and supply for renewable energy sources; improvement of energy infrastructure; introduction of the latest technologies in the industry (artificial intelligence, blockchain); introduction of low-carbon and energy-efficient technologies; liberalisation of energy markets. The article describes the peculiarities of the energy market development by region and industry. In particular, the majority of M&A transactions in the energy sector are made by oil and gas companies, as this energy sector is cyclical, high-risk and capital-intensive, which requires flexibility in making complex management decisions. Due to recent trends in the energy sector, the coal industry is gradually losing its popularity as a target for M&A deals. Instead, the number of M&A transactions in the renewable energy and electricity sectors is growing. In addition, the dynamics of M&A transactions is analysed, identifying the main factors influencing them. Prospects for the development of international mergers and acquisitions in the energy sector of the world economy are determined.


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How to Cite
Bulkot, O., & Svyrydenko , S. (2024). MODERN TRENDS AND DYNAMICS OF M&A IN THE GLOBAL ENERGY SECTOR. Economy and Society, (64).