Keywords: marketing projects of tourist destinations and cultural events, economically responsible and sustainable tourism, cluster model, positioning and branding of communities and regions, spatial planning, community management and post-war recovery of communities and regions of Ukraine


Post-war tourism recovery is a crucial topic for any country, especially those that have experienced significant upheaval. The study on this topic focuses on the application of a sustainable approach, considering both environmental and social aspects of sustainable development, as well as economic growth, to ensure long-term impact. An essential aspect is the creation of a positive image of the country in the world, achieved through effective marketing activities and proper positioning. This image is formed not only at the national level but also through the active participation of communities and regions, serving as a long-term tool aimed at strategic perspectives. For Ukraine, it is particularly important to actively cooperate with European partners, demonstrating its commitment to the strategic priorities of implementing sustainable tourism development practices. This includes not only showing a willingness to pursue sustainable development but also presenting a clear vision of post-war tourism recovery. European networks play a vital role in this process, providing potential sources of funding and expertise. By leveraging these opportunities, Ukraine has a chance for successful tourism recovery based on the principles of sustainable development. Such cooperation will not only help Ukraine restore its tourist appeal but also facilitate integration into the European community in terms of tourism. This could involve sharing experiences in managing tourism resources, implementing innovative technologies and practices, and attracting investments in infrastructure development. It is also crucial to consider aspects of cultural exchange, which will promote deeper mutual understanding and strengthen international ties. In conclusion, the continuous development of sustainable tourism can become a key factor not only for economic growth but also for social cohesion and the preservation of natural and cultural heritage. This, in turn, will contribute to the creation of a stable and prosperous society capable of overcoming the consequences of war and revitalizing its tourism sector at a new, more sustainable level.


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How to Cite
Tymoshenko, T., Shevchuk, O., & Shevchuk , O. (2024). "GENTLE" MARKETING AND POSITIONING OF COMMUNITIES AND REGIONS IN THE CONTEXT OF THE POST-WAR RECOVERY OF TOURISM IN UKRAINE TAKING INTO ACCOUNT WORLDWIDE EXPERIENCE. Economy and Society, (64). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-64-152