Keywords: dark tourism, special type of tourism, tourism of special interests, cultural phenomenon


The article presents a comprehensive examination of both theoretical and practical aspects of dark tourism, a specialized form of tourism that has gained prominence in recent times. It delves into the specific features that render this type of tourism pertinent in the contemporary landscape. The study conducts a detailed theoretical analysis to classify existing types of dark tourism and offers an original interpretation of it as a modern cultural phenomenon. The research methodology includes a thorough field study involving a targeted group of respondents known as "active tourists of the domestic market." This study aims to uncover the cultural implications, ethical challenges, and potential opportunities for dark tourism amidst wartime conditions. Through a combination of surveys and interviews, the research explores how these tourists perceive and engage with dark tourism sites, particularly those emerging due to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. The results of the data processing provide valuable insights into the current state and future prospects of dark tourism in a war-torn environment. Based on these findings, the article draws conclusions about the development trajectory of dark tourism in Ukraine and suggests recommendations to enhance the competitive advantages of the domestic tourism market. These recommendations focus on leveraging new dark tourism attractions that have arisen due to the war, aiming to capitalize on their unique identity and significance. Additionally, the study highlights the necessity of integrating innovative strategies into the strategic planning of tourism development, which contributes to a deeper understanding of cultural and social aspects of dark tourism. The practical value of this study lies in its potential to guide stakeholders, including policymakers, tour operators, and researchers, in adapting to and benefiting from the evolving landscape of dark tourism. By addressing the needs and interests of a diverse audience, the study ensures that the domestic tourism sector can effectively navigate and capitalize on emerging opportunities, thereby enhancing its resilience and adaptability in a rapidly changing environment. This work serves as a vital resource for those involved in shaping the future of tourism in conflict-affected regions, offering practical insights and strategic recommendations.


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How to Cite
Khokhlov, M. (2024). DARK TOURISM IN UKRAINE: CULTURAL ASPECTS, ETHICAL CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES IN THE CONDITIONS OF WAR. Economy and Society, (64). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-64-156