The article discusses the strategic approach to managing the innovative activities of an enterprise in the context of rapid technological progress and increasing competition. Over the past decades, the paradigm of success for both individual organizations and the economy as a whole has undergone significant changes. Today, the speed at which new products and business models emerge plays a key role in maintaining the competitiveness of companies. Enterprises are compelled to implement new ideas and technologies to meet the demands of the rapidly changing market, especially in countries with traditional economies, such as Ukraine. The study analyzes the main problems faced by Ukrainian enterprises in implementing innovations, particularly the presence of significant barriers that reduce the real impact of innovations on their activities. The authors propose a model for managing innovative activities based on a strategic approach, which includes elements that characterize the innovative maturity of the organization. The model allows for the assessment of the current state of the enterprise's innovative maturity and identifies pathways for development to achieve the next level of maturity. The aim of the study is to develop a model that will enable Ukrainian enterprises to become more open to innovations, change their management structure, and more effectively implement new technologies and solutions using tools that have gained widespread adoption in Ukraine and globally. The main characteristics of an enterprise's innovative maturity are defined in the following areas: the company's strategy and the role of innovation in its implementation, the degree of impact of innovative activities on the company's results, the readiness and ability of the enterprise to invest in innovations and take risks, as well as the role of the internal customer in innovative activities. The article also presents the "Three Horizons Model," which helps determine planning horizons and the complexity of innovations. Thus, the strategy for working with innovations is a key element of the innovation management system, which helps enterprises to set goals, communicate these goals to all employees, and form a plan for implementing innovative initiatives.
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