Keywords: social protection, social security, potential, state budget, local budgets, budget expenditures


The article is devoted to a holistic study of social protection and social security in both theoretical and practical terms, which allowed to identify current problems and challenges in this area, to find new sources of funding and optimisation of expenditures. The social sphere is a rather important indicator of the level of development of a society. At first glance, the social sphere does not seem to be the economic core of the state and the driving force behind economic development. At the same time, an analysis of the subjects of this sphere's jurisdiction allows us to highlight its importance. In fact, the issue of the social sphere is extremely relevant in the current environment, when Ukraine is making every effort to repel armed aggression and prevent the damage and consequences. In addition to direct damage, this armed aggression has created a number of challenges for both the state and citizens: a large number of IDPs, destroyed housing, broken social ties, disability, etc. Therefore, in today's realities, public policy should be more flexible to respond to new challenges.


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How to Cite
Ishchuk, L., & Yakovleva , D. (2024). WAYS TO INCREASE THE CAPACITY OF LOCAL BUDGETS TO FINANCE SOCIAL PROTECTION AND SOCIAL SECURITY. Economy and Society, (64). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-64-138