Keywords: bankruptcy of the company, bankruptcy risk of the company, bankruptcy prediction model, national bankruptcy prediction models, discriminant bankruptcy prediction models


Ensuring profitability and stability while mitigating bankruptcy risk is a critical management task throughout the entire lifecycle of any company. To achieve this objective, it is essential to employ effective tools that facilitate the timely identification and / or forecasting of pertinent risks. These tools encompass discriminant models for predicting the probability of bankruptcy, which are grounded in a comprehensive analysis of the company’s financial indicators. By leveraging historical data and financial metrics, these models provide deep insights into potential vulnerabilities and future financial health. The utilization of such models enables informed management decisions that aim to ensure long-term financial stability, sustainable development, and the overall resilience of the enterprise in a competitive market environment. Additionally, these models support proactive strategies, allowing companies to anticipate challenges and capitalize on opportunities for growth and improvement. In the article Ukrainian bankruptcy prediction models were analyzed and compared. The article outlined the methodology for calculating the probability of enterprise bankruptcy according to the approaches of Tereshchenko O. O., Martynenko V. P., Matviichuk A. V., and national models of the beneficiary’s financial condition. The coefficients / factors categorized into groups based on the financial condition indicators of the companies and the specific models in which they are employed. A matrix for the application of financial condition indicator groups, utilized in Ukrainian bankruptcy predicting models, has been developed based on the clustering analysis of the coefficients within these models. It has been established that groups of liquidity and solvency indicators, as well as profitability indicators, are used in all analyzed models. In contrast, the group of business activity indicators is absent from the Martynenko V. P. model, and the financial stability assessment indicators group is not incorporated into the Tereshchenko O. O. model. It has been concluded that the current dynamic state of the Ukrainian economic environment necessitates regular updates to the existing national bankruptcy prediction models.


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