The article is devoted to highlighting issues of the formation and development of the export of tourist services, the features of the existing tourism market and the sale of such a product, the assessment and analysis of the development of the tourism industry in other countries. Special attention is paid to the problems of development of this component of the export potential in the regions of the western part of Ukraine, as well as prospects for the development of the export of tourist services. To achieve the goal, such methods of scientific knowledge as logical generalization, system analysis, system-structural and comparative analysis were used, which made it possible to obtain appropriate results. Systematization and clarification of the content of the concept of "export of tourist services" and the specifics of their impact on the indicators of the region's export activity have been carried out. The key principles that determine the features and directions of the formation and development of the export potential of the region in the direction of improving the tourism industry are highlighted. The results of the research of this article are the structural division of the tourism industry into segments. These segments represent a set of areas of economic activity that make up the export part of tourist services. The article states that the western region of Ukraine has a huge export potential of this type of activity. Constituent segments, from which the potential export potential of the region is formed, are the ethnosector, recreation, sports, medical and recreational, historical and cultural sectors. Each sector is partially involved or rarely used in the export of tourism services at the moment. Each segment represents a potential direction of development of economic activity, the result of which should be the attraction of foreign funds into the national economy of Ukraine. The article highlights the opinion that there are two ways of attracting foreign capital to the economy of Ukraine. Firstly, it is the attraction of funds of foreign tourists from the direct implementation of tourist services and, secondly, through the attraction of foreign investors' finances in the development of tourist infrastructure in Ukraine. The article is informative and practical material for those who work or plan to develop in the direction of export of tourist services, which is a component of the export potential of the region of Ukraine.
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