The overall purpose of this article is to investigate the intricacies of personnel management systems within the framework of contemporary information technology utilization, alongside a comparative analysis of software functionalities for automating personnel accounting in modern enterprises. The study delves into the specifics of informatization and automation within enterprise personnel departments, which both play a pivotal role in ensuring data accuracy, relevance maintenance, error reduction, and simplification of personnel management processes. It argues that the automation of core business processes within personnel departments hinges not only on extensive information technology integration but also on evolving content, methods, and organizational structures of personnel accounting. The article also defines the following functions of personnel accounting information systems: personnel tracking, payroll management, training facilitation, employee development, certification oversight, and work-hour analysis. Detailed descriptions of personnel management information systems are provided, with a comparative analysis conducted to determine the functionalities of various software tools used to automate the existing personnel services. The given article evaluates the generalized functional structure of modern integrated personnel management systems, encompassing personnel recruitment, onboarding, administration, training, development, and human resources analytics. Furthermore, the authors’ investigation identifies the strengths and weaknesses of several personnel information systems, namely SAP HCM, Oracle HCM, Dynamics 365 Human Resources, Workable, Hurma, PeopleForce, BambooHR, and Zoho People. It emphasizes the criticality of selecting an optimal software solution for HR automation within any business organization. The article argues that only through meticulous planning and a multi-criteria approach organizations can achieve a balanced and cohesive software selection process, thereby laying the groundwork for successful system implementation. The studyʼs significance is highlighted through its thorough examination of contemporary HR automation trends and their tangible benefits in improving organizational efficiency. By clarifying the features and comparative advantages of top-tier software solutions, this research provides organizational leaders and HR professionals with crucial insights to make informed choices when adopting personnel management technologies.
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