Keywords: economy, digital economy, digital transformation


The spread of digital technologies over a long period determines the development trajectories of the economy and society and has more than once led to radical changes in people's lives. The formation of a digital economy is one of the priority directions for most countries of the world. In recent years, the transformation of activity models in the business and social sphere has been unfolding, caused by the emergence of digital technologies of the new generation, which, due to the scale and depth of influence, have received the name "end-to-end": artificial intelligence, robotics, the Internet of Things, wireless communication technologies. In the near future, it is the effective use of new digital technologies that will determine the international competitiveness of both individual companies and entire countries that form the infrastructure and legal environment for further digitalization. Today, at a new stage in the development of digital technologies, one of the main challenges is the exponential growth of the number, quality and variety of relationships between enterprises, organizations, citizens and socio-economic systems, which is accompanied by a leap-like dynamics of the number of transactions and volumes of information and leads to a more complex and synchronized integration of "all with all". Such transformations require new skills and competencies, readiness to use new technologies in everyday life. Based on the achievements of other economic sciences and to a large extent generalizing what was previously learned, the digital economy makes it possible to form and develop the skills and abilities of using digital technologies, its individual aspects, phenomena and processes, as well as the use of appropriate tools to substantiate optimal management decisions, including for solving complex economic problems. Mastering the principles, means, methods and skills of digitization of economic processes is necessary in practical activities for every economist. The topicality of the issue, the goal and task of the article determined its logical and structural construction: the scientific research of modern authors on the characteristics of the digital economy was investigated, the main aspects of the digitalization of entrepreneurship were highlighted, the key aspects of the opportunities and challenges of the digital economy were analyzed, conclusions were drawn regarding the development of the mechanism for managing the digital transformation process in Ukraine and directions of her further scientific research.


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How to Cite
Resler, M., Linrur , I., & Cigak, O. (2024). DIGITAL ECONOMY: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES. Economy and Society, (64).