The article explores modern approaches to ensuring the financial security of commercial banks in Ukraine amidst market environment instability. Attention is focused on theoretical aspects and practical tools for managing financial risks. Methodological aspects of assessing the effectiveness of financial security management, including the processes of identifying, assessing, controlling, monitoring, and minimizing risks, are examined. Principles that ensure the stability of the banking system and reduce the impact of external and internal threats are analyzed. Based on recent research, modern methods such as big data analytics, blockchain technology, artificial intelligence, and other digital tools used to enhance risk management efficiency and protect against cyber threats are highlighted. The article emphasizes the importance of an integrated approach to managing financial risks, considering the interdependence between credit, market, operational, and liquidity risks, as well as the need to adapt to changing external conditions. Regulatory values of financial indicators established by the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) are assessed, and their role in preventing increased risk concentration in the Ukrainian banking system is examined. The impact of political and economic instability on the financial stability of banks is investigated, particularly in the context of currency fluctuations, inflationary processes, and economic crises. Based on official NBU data for the period 2019–2023, the dynamics of financial indicators of commercial banks in Ukraine, including capitalization, liquidity, profitability, and the level of credit risk, are studied. Special attention is paid to the analysis of non-performing assets and their impact on the stability of the banking system. The role of state regulators in ensuring financial security is evaluated, and recommendations for improving the regulatory framework and implementing innovative approaches to financial security management are discussed. Furthermore, the article delves into the challenges faced by Ukrainian banks in maintaining adequate liquidity levels. Pivotal to financial security, liquidity indicators reveal that certain banks are struggling, often due to depositor trust issues and a volatile market environment. The comprehensive analysis provides valuable insights for banking analysts, financial managers, and regulators aiming to bolster the resilience of Ukraine's banking sector amidst ongoing economic uncertainty.
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