The article examines the features of the current stage of functioning and prospects for the development of the stock market of Ukraine. The structure and dynamics of securities trading on the leading stock exchanges of Ukraine – "PFTS" (Тhe first stock trading system) and "Perspektiva" in recent years have been analyzed. A conclusion was made regarding the significant changes in the structure of securities trading in Ukraine after the start of the full-scale invasion, in particular, there was a decrease in stock trading and the suspension of futures trading, the growth of the already significant share of debt securities on the Ukrainian stock market. It was determined that the place of foreign securities on the Ukrainian stock market is insignificant at the moment, and no changes in this sector are expected until the end of the war. The changes that took place in the market as a result of the start of full-scale military operations on the territory of Ukraine are singled out. The current problems that hinder the development of the domestic stock market are identified. The main difficulties faced by domestic and foreign investors in the Ukrainian market are outlined. It was determined that today the opportunities of the Ukrainian investor are quite limited – the domestic market is represented mainly by the government bonds, Ukrainian stocks are not very liquid, there are very few applications for the sale of foreign shares on the Ukrainian market, and foreign investments are limited by currency restrictions from the National Bank of Ukraine. It was concluded that modern investments in shares of Ukrainian issuers are characterized by low cost and high risks at the same time. The main measures of the state that will have an impact on the further functioning of the Ukrainian securities market and the prospects for its development as a whole are analyzed. The authors believe that high military risks will continue to determine the dynamics of the Ukrainian stock market, the prospects for the development of the Ukrainian stock market are related to the effectiveness of the pension reform.
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