The article is dedicated to solving the problems of determining the criteria for the formation of free or special economic zones on the territory of the regions of Ukraine. The necessity of formulating recommendations for establishing clear criteria for the creation of free economic zones to stimulate the development of depressed territories has been proven in the paper as a result of substantiating the relevance of the topic of that one. Comparing and analysing the results which are presented in the scientific works on the topic of the paper by Ukrainian scholars, it is possible to conclude about the necessity of more detailed research of the problems concerning the features, creation and functioning of free economic zones. The presented in the paper definition of a free economic zone is based on current legislation and defined there as a perimeter-fenced part of the territory of Ukraine, located within one administrative-territorial unit, on which a special legal regime for the conduct of economic activity is established. The factors that significantly affect the economic condition of the territories, and the connection between them is also presented in the paper. The impact of factors on the functioning of territorial communities and regions of Ukraine is illustrated in the paper with economic indicators. The indicators is performed in the paper like a tool of determination the economic status of some region parts or region as whole. Also, the difference between the maximum and minimum values of the indicators characterizing the economic condition of the territories is proposed to estimate in the paper for determination the criteria of the free economic zones establishment. The important result of the paper is approach to determinate intervals which indicates economic status of Ukrainian territorial communities and regions. The practical application of the performed recommendations will allow to make the decision concerning the creation of free economic zones in the territory of the regions of Ukraine. In addition, the presented technique can be applied to local territories and regions as well.
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