The article is devoted to topical issues of substantiation of strategies for development the innovative potential of enterprises in the context of digitalisation. The author examines scientific approaches to managing the innovation potential of an enterprise; assessing and analysing the effectiveness of innovation potential development; substantiating development strategies, including in international markets; and identifying factors for strategising the development of innovation potential in certain sectors of the national economy. The research uses general scientific methods of generalisation, systematisation and classification, as well as special methods of strategic management of economic development. Special attention is focused on studying the experience of implementing the innovative potential for the introduction of digital innovations, as well as the impact of digital technologies on stimulating and activating the innovative potential of an enterprise. The article substantiates the classification of strategic directions of development of the innovative potential of enterprise in the context of digitalisation. The author proposes to coordinate the directions, forms and ways and expected results when substantiating strategies for developing the innovation potential of enterprises in the context of digitalization. The main directions of forming a system of strategies for the development and implementation of innovative potential are: investing in digital innovations, digitalisation of large amounts of information, innovations in digital competencies of personnel, innovations in digitalisation of business communications, cybersecurity. Thus, the main forms and ways of implementing strategies for the development of innovation potential correspond to the strategic directions of digital technologies implementation. This allowed the author to form a coherent set of factors for ensuring the effectiveness of strategies for developing innovation potential. The dominance of the factor of activation of the innovative potential of enterprise in its digitalisation will allow to form an appropriate mechanism and strategic vector for development.
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