The article discusses the strategic goals for the development of Ukraine. It highlights the choice problem in strategic vectors between national ideas and economic priorities. The article also examines the influence of populists and the Davos people on the economic direction. It mentions four types of behavior-based strategies: primitive, intelligent, destructive, and natural destructors. Primitive strategies are quick but often unthoughtful, intelligent strategies are the most beneficial and promote resource conservation and innovation, destructive strategies are the most dangerous and are implemented by "foolish people" (by Carlo M. Cipolla) and natural destructors are the consequences of passivity. The author also assumes that when neighboring countries rely on basic strategies, defense budgets take precedence over economic development budgets. The article further discusses the role of various groups such as: ambassadors of the national idea, the fifth column, populists, Davos people, and oligarchs in influencing strategic decisions over the last 25 years. It concludes by stating that Ukraine entered a full-scale war at the intersection of several economic paradigms on a global scale (fragmented world), under-reformed, with a chronic negative balance of payments, still corrupt institutions, without reserves, reliable international guarantees, and a national idea. He assumed that Ukraine managed to survive because of existence of social-economic singularity which consist of human capital, mission (national idea) and international aid. Also mentioned that war budgets are significantly larger than the national accounts balance, but their most devastating effects are on non-renewable resources and human capital. It is very dangerous to underestimate geopolitical risks. The article suggests that further research is needed to explore the topics of national security, international institutions, and environmental issues. The author also noted an increase in budgets for hybrid warfare in public relations and social media. Additionally, it was mentioned that defense budgets in this area shouldn’t be underestimated due to Industry 4.0. At the end of the article, it is described that the mission of Ukraine, as stated in the preamble of the constitution, is: the Ukrainian people want to leave behind a legacy of colonial dependency and develop themselves as a free nation in the family of European nations.
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