The article is devoted to the topical issues of determining the main trends in the development of e-commerce in the world. On the basis of the latest scientific research on the interpretation of the concept of "electronic commerce", the main approaches to this concept are defined as to the form, process (operation) and activity. Further research determined that the application of a certain approach to understanding e-commerce determines a different list of factors that have an impact on the main trends of its development. The factors of influence, which act as incentives for the active development of Internet trade, are analyzed and systematized, in particular: digital content, the section on its use and the possibility of using it in sales promotion processes for Internet trade and e-commerce. In the course of the study, it was determined that with the development of communication tools, the forms of electronic commerce are also transformed. E-commerce, or electronic commerce, has completely changed the retail market, rewriting the rules of doing business built up over the centuries. Today, there are no boundaries and limitations for the client. Thanks to the development of modern technologies, for example, augmented reality, even trying on things becomes possible online with the help of a smartphone camera. The openness of borders, the general availability of payment for orders from other countries, the rapid development of logistics companies contribute to the increase of opportunities, both for business, expanding markets and increasing sales volumes, and for consumers, who get unlimited opportunities to choose goods and services. The main trend of digitalization in 2023 was a general decrease in the amount of time each person spends on the Internet. At the same time, such a decrease does not mean that the Internet is becoming less important in the life of society. This suggests that people are becoming more purposeful in their use of digital technology and prioritizing the quality of their connected experiences over quantity. The global trends of digitization of the world society, the main areas of use of the Internet, the use of devices for e-commerce were studied, the sales forecast on the e-commerce market was made, the leading countries of e-commerce were determined, and the distribution of product consumption in the European e-commerce market was analyzed.
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