The article is devoted to the study of the Aladdin platform as a basic tool for BlackRock. Corporations seeking to succeed in the 21st century are implementing artificial intelligence solutions to improve workflows for processing and automating their business processes. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that Aladdin is one of the examples of using a full-fledged artificial intelligence system that executes approximately 70% of high-frequency transactions in the United States without any human intervention and controls more than 20% of global investments. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to characterize the Aladdin platform as a basic tool for the operation of BlackRock Investment Management Company. The importance of digital asset management platforms (DAMP) in shaping the external environment for the development of global investment management companies is proven. It is substantiated that the process of asset management naturally fits into the digital platform economy, since managers act as intermediaries between issuers of securities and investors. Aladdin is studied as the most developed DAMP. It is determined that this is a central data processing system that integrates and links functions that help manage the assets of the company's clients. The main models of risk management based on BlackRock Aladdin are identified, namely risk measurement, scenario analysis, stress testing, factor analysis, optimization and data integration. The author analyzes the process of improving BlackRock's backbone technology product, not only by creating its own AI research unit, but also by acquiring technology companies with certain developments and competitors. The role of the BlackRock Investment Institute (BII) as a tool for shaping investor expectations and forecasting trends for the future period is substantiated. It is concluded that the Aladdin platform is a unique product that allows analyzing investor risks by asset class in accordance with established corporate practices and risk management policies, which creates the most favorable conditions for making investment decisions for each client.
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