The article investigates the impact of modern technological innovations on service quality in the hotel industry. The main objective is to analyze the technological solutions implemented in hotels and evaluate their economic efficiency, environmental sustainability, and influence on the socio-psychological interaction between staff and guests. The relevance of the study lies in addressing how these innovations shape the competitive landscape of the hotel industry, enhancing both operational performance and guest satisfaction. The research employs a mixed-method approach, combining case studies and comparative analysis to assess the effectiveness of technological innovations. The methodologies include quantitative analysis of operational data and qualitative evaluations of technological implementations in various hotel settings. Key results indicate that technological innovations significantly improve guest satisfaction and operational efficiency. For example, the implementation of mobile applications and IoT solutions has streamlined operations, reduced waiting times, and personalized guest services. CRM systems have enhanced customer relationship management, leading to better guest retention and loyalty. Additionally, energy-efficient technologies have contributed to substantial cost savings and resource optimization, promoting environmental sustainability. The study also found that virtual assistants and interactive kiosks have reduced the workload on staff, allowing them to focus on more personalized guest interactions, thereby improving overall service quality. The analysis revealed significant economic benefits from the integration of these technologies. Energy-efficient technologies, in particular, have shown considerable cost-saving potential by reducing energy consumption and operational costs. Furthermore, the socio-psychological impact of these innovations is evident in the improved interaction dynamics between staff and guests. The reduced operational burden on staff enables them to provide more attentive and personalized service, enhancing the overall guest experience. The practical implications of the study include providing hotels with a comprehensive approach to implementing technological innovations. This approach takes into account economic benefits, environmental impacts, and socio-psychological aspects, ensuring sustainable development and competitiveness in the hotel industry. The article concludes that although the adoption of these technologies requires significant initial investments, the long-term benefits, such as improved guest experience, increased operational efficiency, and enhanced environmental image, far outweigh the costs. This holistic strategy for integrating technological innovations is crucial for maintaining high service standards and achieving sustainable growth in the competitive hotel market.
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