In the modern world, challenges in the economic, social, and ecological spheres are escalating sharply, demanding immediate exploration of effective solutions. Natural disasters, global warming, economic inequality, poverty, deteriorating public health, growing social needs, and unstable business development are just some of the pressing challenges facing humanity. In addition to these global challenges, Ukraine faces significant difficulties due to the war with the Russian Federation. The conflict has led to substantial socio-economic upheaval, including internal displacement of populations, infrastructure destruction, job losses, and increased social needs. Since the onset of full-scale invasion, shelling has affected both military personnel and civilians, resulting in a significant number of irreversible injuries. These injuries often lead to partial or complete disability, thereby affecting the employability of those affected. The article examines foreign and domestic approaches to the definition of the concept of social entrepreneurship, provides an author's definition, lists the main features that in aggregate characterize a social enterprise and distinguish it from other types of socio-economic activity, and suggests ways to activate the development of social entrepreneurship in Ukraine. In the context of global challenges and the conflict in Ukraine, social entrepreneurship emerges as a crucial tool for fostering sustainable and inclusive societal development. Social entrepreneurs play a pivotal role in providing support to those affected, creating new employment opportunities, and contributing to economic recovery. This article delineates the concept of social entrepreneurship for further scholarly inquiry in this field. Social entrepreneurship is an activity that combines economic efficiency with social responsibility, aiming to address social issues through innovative approaches and business models. Through social entrepreneurship, enterprises can achieve financial sustainability while also creating significant social impact, thus contributing to improving the quality of life across various segments of the population.
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