Keywords: business process, process approach, business process modeling, management of investment attractiveness of the enterprise, investment attractiveness of the enterprise


The purpose of the scientific article is to study the essence of investment attractiveness of the enterprise, substantiate the feasibility of separating the management of investment attractiveness of the enterprise as an independent business process, as well as its modeling with an accompanying description of all structural elements. First, the article analyzes the use of the process approach by modern enterprises. An in-depth analysis of the scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists was conducted. It was found that companies typically implement and implement only those business processes that are defined in ISO 9001 "Quality Management Systems" and APQC's International Benchmarking Clearinghouse. Among these business processes, no one would directly describe the investment activities of the enterprise, much less any business process that would describe the investment attractiveness of the enterprise. It is determined that the investment activity is the last stage in the business process chain of investment management of the enterprise, as it is preceded by informational, analytical, and strategic stages. The article describes the principle of miz-an-abim investment attractiveness, ie the interdependence of investment attractiveness of the enterprise, industry, region, and country. This should be reflected in the business process model. The methodology of business process modeling is considered in the article. The authors carried out a step-by-step construction of the TOP model and the business process chain model "Management of investment attractiveness of the enterprise". The main structural elements of the business process are described (input sources, input streams, management standards, resources, output streams, and thread recipients). The key feature of the business process of managing the investment attractiveness of the enterprise is its cyclicity. According to the concept of "research actions", it is due to its cyclical nature that the business process can independently improve and increase the efficiency of its work, ie without the intervention of senior management.


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How to Cite
Khryniuk, O., & Ocheretiana, O. (2021). FEATURES OF BUSINESS PROCESS MODELING "MANAGEMENT OF INVESTMENT ATTRACTIVENESS OF THE ENTERPRISE". Economy and Society, (27). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-27-20