The article examines promising directions for improving guest service at restaurant establishments, taking into account modern innovations and achievements of scientific and technical progress. The international experience of introducing new forms and methods of serving guests in restaurants has been analyzed. We researched the opinion of respondents – consumers of restaurant services, regarding how important reviews of food establishments are for them, what they focus on when choosing a restaurant, which type of menu they prefer (paper or electronic). The main purpose of the survey is to determine the service criteria that should be improved or implemented in the restaurant in order to provide a more competitive service and increase the level of customer orientation. In this way, we determined what exactly needs to be implemented or improved in the restaurant industry, taking into account the preferences of consumers. Such a strategy will allow restaurants to be more customer-oriented, which will contribute to increasing their competitiveness. The article describes the stages of the order if the dish was selected using a printed menu or by scanning a QR code, or using an electronic menu. The advantages of using an electronic menu compared to other methods of choosing a meal have been determined. The electronic menu is one of the modern methods of improving the service process, which will reduce the length of waiting for an order, and will, accordingly, contribute to shortening the technological process of providing restaurant services. The use of an electronic menu and, in the future, an electronic check will allow us to satisfy the needs of the most demanding guests, who value their own time and for whom fast and quality service is important. Today, the restaurant business is developing with dynamic force, and in order to keep up with the times and meet the demands of modern guests, establishments strive to create a unique and unforgettable experience for their customers, therefore the introduction of the latest and most innovative forms and methods of service is becoming more and more relevant.
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