Keywords: national wealth model, economic singularity, cash flows, quality management formations, global artificial superintelligence


The article discusses the evolution of the quality management system, the relationship between quality and economic singularity. It also presents a conceptual formula for economic singularity based on quality control systems and production processes. It is also noted that the formula could be derived from the Cobb-Douglas production function by segregating factors, which have the synergistic effects between them. In his analysis, the author goes down to the microeconomics level to show the levels of product quality and the formations of quality control systems, and shows the distribution of responsibilities between the seller and the manufacturer in the quality control chain. The author discusses the concept of a prosumer (producer-consumer) at the newest level of service and product quality, which is facilitated by modern technologies. The role of the consumer in contemporary quality control system is analyzed. Described the importance of user generated data as an important part of modern quality loop. The article also introduces the concept of quality management formations at the national level, and defined such of them: 1) craft-shop, 2) engineering-manufacturing, 3) system-technological, 4) globalizational, 5) pan-informational, 6) noosphere. The author proposes a method of comparative assessment of national quality management systems (as part of national wealth) based on the density of brands registered by business entities in the country and the type of formation of the quality management system in place in the country. The article concludes by emphasizing the importance of culture and values as an integral part of national wealth in connection with the growing role of information systems and artificial intelligence systems. It suggests that the country that is the first to build the infrastructure of the noosphere (a stage of evolutionary development that transforms the biosphere into a holistic, self-regulating system by the power of human thought) will have the best chance of achieving the 6th mode of quality control systems, which will be inextricably linked to all management processes.


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How to Cite
Hromyak, S. (2024). QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AS A FACTOR IN THE FORMATION OF NATIONAL WEALTH. Economy and Society, (63). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-63-103