The external environment is constantly changing, and businesses must be ready for these changes. By regularly analyzing the external environment, being flexible and adaptive, investing in innovation, collaborating with other businesses, and building strong relationships with stakeholders, businesses can successfully adapt to changes in the external environment and achieve their goals. For this, business entities can take a number of actions that will facilitate adaptation to exogenous influences: conduct regular analysis of the external environment, which will help the enterprise to identify new opportunities and threats, be flexible and adaptive, that is, ready for rapid changes in the external environment and make changes to of its strategy and operations, invest in innovation that will help increase competitiveness in the market, cooperate with other enterprises, build strong relationships with stakeholders to obtain support and assistance from other organizations. The article considers various aspects of the formation of the theoretical foundation of adaptive enterprise management. So, first of all, the analysis of approaches to defining the key concept was carried out, which showed ambiguity in research. On the basis of the conducted conceptual and semantic analysis, an own vision of the interpretation of the concept of "adaptive enterprise management" was formed. For a deeper formation of the theoretical foundation, the concept of adaptive management of the enterprise was formed, which consists of a large number of elements, stages and zones. The presented concept is designed to explain the processes that occur outside and inside the enterprise, how it reacts to the influence of exogenous factors, what place in this mechanism is assigned to the adaptive management of the enterprise and how it returns the system to a steady state with qualitatively new characteristics, adequate to the new environment.
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