Keywords: globalisation, crisis, logistics, supply chain, war, optimisation, diversification, digitalisation, strategy


The article studies optimisation of logistics supply chains in the context of global crises. The relevance of the article lies in the importance of ensuring the efficiency and stability of logistics processes of companies in unstable conditions. Implementation of strategies for managing and optimising supply chains in crisis conditions allows companies to effectively withstand challenges and logistical disruptions. The purpose of the article is to determine the directions of optimisation of logistics supply chains in the context of growing global crises. In the course of the study, the author used various methods to analyse the impact of the crisis on supply chains. In particular, the systemic method, the method of analysis and synthesis, the integrated and structural-functional approach, and the dialectical method of cognition. In the course of writing the article, it was found that optimisation of logistics supply chains in the context of global crises can be implemented at four stages (identification of strategies for adaptation to crisis conditions, establishment of a monitoring system, analysis of the impact of risks, development of emergency action plans). The article outlines the main strategies for supply chain management, which require the use of modern technologies, diversification of sources of supply, optimisation of inventories, ensuring transparency and tracking of supply chains, investing in own logistics capacities, increasing the level of cooperation and coordination between chain participants, and adapting to changes in the external environment. A sequence of actions to optimise logistics supply chains under conditions of uncertainty has also been developed. The proposed strategies and developed optimisation steps can serve as a basis for companies to implement practical measures in the logistics sector in times of crisis.


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How to Cite
Kryveshchenko, V., Khmurkovskyi, H., & Liadenko, T. (2024). OPTIMISATION OF LOGISTICS SUPPLY CHAINS IN THE FACE OF GLOBAL CRISES. Economy and Society, (63). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-63-110