The article describes the main tasks and basic conditions of strategic planning. The stages of strategic planning are presented and an effective process of strategic development planning, divided into these stages, is proposed. The author considers a strategic plan that allows planning from the perspective of tomorrow, an adaptive process that results in constant adjustment of management decisions and constant monitoring of their implementation. It is shown that for strategic planning to be effective, it is necessary to have a complete understanding of the future state of the region and a clear picture of possible prospects. The schematic structure of the strategic plan for the socio-economic development of agricultural enterprises is developed and presented. The article presents a corporate strategy, which is formed when a company is diversified, i.e., operates in several markets; a business strategy or competitive strategy, which determines how each division of the company will achieve a competitive advantage in a particular market; and the main functional strategies, which include marketing, production, finance, human resources and development. The author provides the basic principles of resource strategy development, which are social orientation, comprehensive and systematic approach, favorable geographical location and climatic conditions of the region, availability of natural, labor, financial, production and information resources, balanced use of the total resource potential, reproduction and limited resources that ensure growth of economic indicators, development of industries that can play a significant role in ensuring national and regional interests. The author shows the structure of competitive strategy, which includes strategies for creating competitive advantages, strategies for protecting the competitive position of a firm and strategies for competitive behavior. The author presents three main competitive approaches to business strategy development: striving to be a low-cost producer by achieving differentiation based on such advantages as quality, productivity, service, style, technological superiority and high value; focusing on a small niche in the market by achieving better performance than competitors and meeting specific customer needs; focusing on a large niche in the market by achieving better performance than competitors and meeting specific customer needs.
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