Keywords: marketing, digitalization, strategy, SMM, artificial intelligence


Digital marketing has become a pivotal element in the strategic development of businesses within the contemporary global marketplace. In 2021, worldwide expenditures for digital marketing reached a staggering $455 billion and are anticipated to surge to $645 billion by 2025. This growth trajectory underscores the significant transformation within the sector, propelled by the integration of cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. Notably, 72% of business executives recognize AI as a key competitive advantage, reflecting its profound impact on marketing strategies. One of the most dynamic facets of digital marketing is influencer marketing, which has seen a substantial rise in market value, reaching $13.8 billion in 2021. Projections suggest this figure will increase to $15 billion by 2024, highlighting its growing influence on consumer behavior. Additionally, the shift towards content personalization has become more pronounced, with 80% of consumers more inclined to engage with brands that provide personalized experiences. This trend indicates a deeper understanding of consumer preferences and the potential to tailor marketing efforts accordingly. Despite these advancements, the digital marketing landscape is not without its challenges. Issues such as data privacy and the need for strict compliance with regulatory standards like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) pose significant hurdles. These regulations mandate that companies adopt transparent data collection practices and safeguard user rights, adding layers of complexity to marketing strategies. Moreover, the pervasive issue of consumer information overload necessitates innovative approaches to capture and retain consumer attention effectively. This environment demands that businesses not only adapt to rapid technological changes but also continually develop innovative methods to maintain a competitive edge. The evolution of digital marketing strategies in response to these challenges and opportunities will likely shape the future trajectory of the industry, emphasizing the need for agility and forward-thinking in navigating a rapidly evolving digital landscape.


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How to Cite
Neiman, I., Dubovenko , M., & Kaylyuk, O. (2024). CURRENT TRENDS IN DIGITAL MARKETING DEVELOPMENT. Economy and Society, (63).

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