Keywords: artificial intelligence, business, service sector, automation


The paper examines the specifics of the impact of AI on the development of business in the service sector, and also identifies the advantages and risks of successful integration of AI into business processes. The role of AI in personalizing service offerings and recommendations has been found to be transformative for the service industry. On the basis of the conducted research, it was found that companies' use of advanced algorithms and machine learning capabilities, through the analysis of huge volumes of customer data, will contribute to a better understanding of their preferences, behavior and needs, which in turn will allow companies to adapt offers and recommendations for each individual customer. It is clear that AI has the potential to profoundly transform the service industry by increasing efficiency, personalization and customer satisfaction, but the implementation of these technologies requires a careful approach, taking into account ethical considerations and data privacy protection. It has been established that the introduction of AI contributes to automation, personalization and optimization of service, which can lead to an increase in the competitiveness of enterprises. It was found that the use of artificial intelligence contributes to the constant development and implementation of innovations in the service sector. On the basis of the conducted research, it was found that the implementation of AI in the service sector faces certain challenges, in particular, issues of data confidentiality and ethical considerations. It has been established that the impact of AI on the development of business in the service sector is significant and multifaceted, where the main aspects of this impact include: optimization of the workforce; planning work schedules for efficient use of human resources; creating a personalized experience for customers using virtual reality and augmented reality; automation of routine and repetitive tasks, processes and optimization of the use of company resources to reduce operational costs; implementation of constant monitoring and analysis of the company's performance; identification of potentially fraudulent behavior, etc.


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How to Cite
Sosnovskyi , H., & Khaustova, Y. (2024). FEATURES OF THE INFLUENCE OF AI ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF BUSINESS IN THE FIELD OF SERVICES. Economy and Society, (63). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-63-90