Keywords: enterprise, value, value-oriented management, development, model


The article describes the essence of value-oriented enterprise management, which is considered as a process of harmonious combination of investment management, development strategies and enterprise value creation. It has been proven that the need to use value-oriented management of enterprise development is determined, first of all, by strategic changes in the external environment of its operation, as well as the need to transform the structure and nature of enterprise management, aimed at creating competitive advantages and increasing the efficiency of management decisions. A structural and logical diagram of the growth of enterprise value has been developed, reflecting the relationship between the goals of increasing the value of the enterprise, the factors for the growth of this value and the strategy for increasing the value of the enterprise. The use of the proposed structural and logical diagram provides modeling of strategic alternatives for managing the development of an enterprise, contributes to the optimization of management decisions aimed at achieving the goals of the enterprise in creating its value. The main stages of the formation of value-oriented management and the features of their implementation are identified, which include a system of factors influencing the creation of enterprise value; projects and programs aimed at increasing the efficiency of the enterprise; selection of tools for creating enterprise value and control over the solution of assigned tasks. A component model of value-oriented enterprise management has been developed, the peculiarity of which is the synergization of the determinants of value-oriented management and their influence on the creation of enterprise value at each stage of its development, as well as the identification of the main basic components that ensure the creation of enterprise value, namely: enterprise resources and its potential; the ability of the enterprise to implement a project to develop the value of the enterprise; abilities and competencies to optimize management decisions to develop enterprise value.


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How to Cite
Bei, H., & Synychenko , A. (2024). VALUE-ORIENTED APPROACH TO ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT. Economy and Society, (63).