Keywords: working capital, uncertainty, optimisation, inventories, accounts receivable, credit risk, liquidity, financial stability


This article is dedicated to the topical topic of working capital optimisation in the face of uncertainty, which is often encountered in today's markets, requiring enterprises to effectively manage their working capital to ensure liquidity and financial stability. This article explores methods and tools for optimising working capital under uncertainty and offers recommendations for managers. To optimise working capital under uncertainty, enterprises can use various methods and tools. The authors of the article investigate such methods as the EOC method, ABC-analysis and JIT method for inventory management, as well as methods of managing receivables and credit risk. The results of the study show that effective working capital management under conditions of uncertainty can help enterprises to reduce costs, improve liquidity and increase financial stability. The authors offer recommendations for managers of Ukrainian enterprises on how to optimise their working capital under conditions of uncertainty, including the development of a working capital management strategy, the use of optimisation methods and tools, and risk monitoring and analysis.


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How to Cite
Litvinov, A., Ostapenko, R., & Horokh , O. (2024). OPTIMISING WORKING CAPITAL IN THE FACE OF UNCERTAINTY. Economy and Society, (63). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-63-58