The purpose of the article is to research methods of increasing the effectiveness of using marketing budgets in the B2C sales market for the formation of effective strategies for attracting and retaining customers and evaluating the impact of innovative technologies on marketing activities. The research methodology includes the analysis of secondary data from scientific publications and industry reports regarding the effectiveness of marketing budgets in B2C e-commerce. A comparative analysis of various marketing strategies and tools was carried out using statistical methods and the method of comparison. Such methods of scientific knowledge as the method of analysis and synthesis are used to confirm theoretical conclusions. The article discusses approaches to increasing the effectiveness of marketing budgets in the B2C sales market. It was determined that in the modern conditions of the development of electronic commerce, it is important to optimize the costs of marketing activities in order to achieve the maximum value of the ROI indicator. The main goal of the research is to analyze modern methods of planning and distribution of marketing budgets, as well as to identify the most effective strategies for attracting and retaining customers. Modern marketing tools and channels, such as contextual advertising, SEO, SMM, email marketing and programmatic advertising, were studied. Features of data analytics for evaluating the effectiveness of marketing measures and decision-making based on the received data are considered. The principles of applying various marketing strategies, which allow to optimize costs and increase the effectiveness of marketing activities, have been studied. Features of personalization of content, automation of marketing processes and use of artificial intelligence to improve targeting and interaction with customers are considered. Trends in the development of the B2C e-commerce market in the context of the impact of new technologies on marketing strategies are determined. Research results show that optimizing marketing budgets through the use of data analytics and personalized strategies significantly increases the effectiveness of B2C e-commerce campaigns. The introduction of innovative technologies, such as artificial intelligence and automation of marketing processes, contributes to more accurate targeting and increased ROI.
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