Keywords: external environment, impact, construction enterprise, transparency, uncertainty


The external environment of enterprises, and especially construction enterprises, is characterized by significant dynamism of elements and the complexity of the structure and relationships, which causes a considerable impact on the activities of economic entities, the results of their functioning and interaction with stakeholders. These conditions require constant analysis, monitoring and control of the company's reactions, tracking changes in activity indicators and making decisions aimed at adapting to external influences. The functioning of construction enterprises in the conditions of war, which have formed today a fragile and threatening external environment, seeks to level risks with those opportunities that arise in a state of crisis. Therefore, it is surprisingly important to timely identify favorable changes from the outside and predict their impact, especially taking into account their ability to prevail over the negative impact of threats. The article discloses a theoretical study of the external environment of the construction enterprise. The main theoretical aspects of the existing approaches to the definition of the concept of «external environment of the enterprise» are considered. The author's vision of the scheme of elements of the external environment of the construction enterprise, which consists of two main levels: the macro-environment and the micro-environment, is formed. Concepts of the world system based on the degree of uncertainty of the external environment of the construction enterprise are presented. On the basis of the research, the author's definition of the concept of «external environment of the construction enterprise» was formed, which, unlike the existing ones, reflects the mutual direct and indirect influence of the enterprise on the external environment, which is expressed both in threats to the existing state of the enterprise and in the possibilities of its transformation for the better a form with improved characteristics, capable of performing large-scale restoration and construction functions in conditions of uncertainty and quickly adapting to difficult-to-predict changes. The article also examines the influence of transparency as one of the significant factors of the construction enterprise's activity, and also defines the directions of the construction enterprise's activity as a response to the influence of the external environment through four stages and two main reactions.


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