Keywords: territorial communities, cooperation, decentralization, reform, local self-government, inter-municipal cooperation


The article reveals the essence of cooperation between territorial communities in Ukraine. It is indicated that the cooperation of territorial communities is one of the important directions of implementation of the processes of reforming local self-government and decentralization of power in Ukraine. It was emphasized that the decentralization reform gave a noticeable impetus to deepening the practice of such community cooperation on a contractual basis, because with the expansion of the powers of local self-government bodies, they have more opportunities and ways of cooperation with other interested communities. It is noted that the advantages of inter-municipal cooperation are the ability of territorial communities to effectively combine financial resources and jointly solve tasks that are difficult to perform individually. It is emphasized that the cooperation of communities allows to optimize work and management processes due to attracting more qualified personnel, reducing the cost of production and building effective logistics. It has been proven that the essence of cooperation is that territorial communities combine their efforts and resources to solve existing problems of their own development on a contractual basis. It was emphasized that the ultimate goal of cooperation should be to improve the quality of life of community residents. It was found that the main tasks of the cooperation of territorial communities are the improvement of the quality of services, the development of infrastructure, as well as the improvement of the efficiency of the relevant local self-government bodies. It is indicated that cooperation between territorial communities is based on agreements that allow to combine efforts and resources to solve common development problems. It was emphasized that cooperation is the key to the development of any society. It was concluded that the activation of joint financing of projects by territorial communities strengthens economic ties between them, accelerates economic processes within territorial communities, improves service and infrastructure, which contributes to the attractiveness of new business creation.


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