Keywords: stocks, furniture industry, stock management models, WMS system, logistics process


The article studies effective models of inventory management that can be used in today's conditions to ensure stable functioning of enterprises and preserve their competitiveness. Inventory management has been identified as one of the key problems for furniture industry enterprises, especially in times of war. Supply chain disruptions, high uncertainty of demand, increased costs and security risks pose serious threats to the stable operation of production. In such conditions, effective inventory management becomes critical to maintaining the competitiveness and economic stability of enterprises. Leading scientists have been studying the issue of inventory management for centuries, constantly looking for new methods of organising warehouse activities to maximise efficiency, reduce overall costs and improve quality performance. However, today in Ukraine, traditional approaches may not be effective enough, so there is a need to apply inventory management models adapted to crisis situations. The study showed that the furniture industry market in Ukraine received a significant boost with the onset of urbanisation processes and continues to develop despite the challenging environment. The article describes the main prerequisites for the development of the market, its main problems and advantages, as well as prospects for development. It is found that more than 10% of enterprises have relocated to Rivne, Zakarpattia, Lviv and Ternopil regions. Due to the sanctions imposed on russian and belarusian furniture producers, Ukrainian companies offering wooden furniture, plywood, chipboard and MDF have new opportunities to increase exports of their goods to European countries. Based on the experience of leading companies that have been leading the market for many years, the article identifies the main models of inventory management for domestic furniture enterprises. The article discusses approaches that allow adapting inventory management models to local conditions, ensuring maximum efficiency of enterprises in today's environment.


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How to Cite
Mokhonko, H., Guk, O., & Kotsko, T. (2024). INVENTORY MANAGEMENT IN THE FURNITURE INDUSTRY MARKET. Economy and Society, (62).

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