The article is devoted to topical issues of determining the technology of management decision-making at international enterprises. Since management decisions are made continuously, international enterprises need knowledge and practical use of technologies to increase their efficiency. Solving the raised issues requires the development of practical recommendations for making effective management decisions. Decision-making is an integral part of modern management. Essentially, rational or reasoned acceptance decisions are considered the main function of management. The decision-making process is a continuous and indispensable component of the management of any international enterprise or business. Managers must regularly make decisions about long-term and short-term plans. In the short term, managers have to solve everyday activities with the involvement of other employees. On the other hand, long-term decision-making involves policies and strategies that promote business development. The management matrix of the distribution of powers when making managerial decisions at international enterprises is considered, which will lead to an increase in the quality of organizational decision-making and a reduction in time loss. The stages of management decision-making at international enterprises are analyzed and systematized. The world experience of using this technology at international enterprises was studied. It has been proven that if international enterprises use an improved management decision-making process, they achieve the best results faster than others. In addition, the outcome of most decisions depends on both the quality of the decision-making process and the combination of realization and chance. Even with excellent implementation, an exemplary method can only sometimes guarantee a good result. However, it is logical to conclude that the chances of a positive outcome increase with an exemplary decision-making process and quality implementation.
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