The article conducts a study on the impact of grant programs supporting vulnerable population groups on territorial communities in the conditions of war and reconstruction. The needs of vulnerable population groups affected by military operations were studied, in particular, the following were identified: lack of access to specialized services and unlimited access to means of livelihood and financial resources, abandonment by the family, lack of safe space and privacy, restrictive social and cultural norms, as well as domestic violence The results of the implementation of the grant program "Support for the Protection of People with Disabilities in Newly Accessible Territories" aimed at supporting persons with disabilities and other vulnerable population groups, organized by the "Caritas Ukraine" charitable foundation, were analyzed. It was determined that the general goal of most implemented projects is to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities and their families, as well as to promote their integration into society; creating an inclusive environment where every person has the opportunity to participate in social, cultural and entertainment activities without any restrictions; provision of psychological and psychosocial support because disability is often accompanied by stress and psychological difficulties that are difficult to overcome independently. The impact of grant programs supporting vulnerable population groups on the restoration of territorial communities in war conditions is determined, in particular, it is manifested in the provision of humanitarian aid, which is manifested in the loss of access to necessary medical care, rehabilitation services, etc.; ensuring inclusion and equal opportunities, because in conditions of military conflicts, people with disabilities may experience discrimination and exclusion; psychosocial support, which is confirmed by the high probability of their receiving serious physical and psychological injuries, and overcoming social stereotypes, which is manifested in the promotion of overcoming stereotypes and the elimination of social barriers.
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