The article is devoted to topical issues of identifying problems and prospects for the introduction of intelligent products by enterprises in the development of innovation and digital economy. It has been established that the introduction of the latest technologies is becoming an integral trend of modern everyday life. First of all, the theoretical and methodological aspects of the development of innovation and digital economy are analyzed. The theoretical concepts are considered for a full understanding of the conditions of development of innovation and digital economy under which the introduction of intelligent products is preceded. The existing conditions of innovation and digital development in Ukraine are studied. It is determined that one of the main indicators that characterizes the conditions for the development of innovation and digital economy, its state and dynamics is the Global Innovation Index, which for Ukraine has a negative trend over the past three years. According to the research of this agency, our country has lost three positions compared to previous years, ranking 56th among the 60 countries surveyed in the ranking of innovative economies in the world. Analyzing, in general, the latest trends, it should be noted that the number of business models of the digital economy is growing, there are new ways to monetize and conduct business, creating new markets. The assessment of the implementation of an intellectual product on the example of the production enterprise LLC "PE" POLISAN "(Sumy) confirms that effective management depends largely on the use of intellectual products. For the researched business entity, it is proposed to purchase and implement a software package "Marketing Analytic 5", an intellectual product (copyright object), which, according to our research, will have a positive impact on the work of marketers. The opinions of most scientists and practitioners on accelerating the entry of economic entities into the digital information space are also possible on the basis of close cooperation between the state and business. Therefore, taking into account global trends in technology development, Ukraine must quickly adapt to new standards and implement innovative solutions for economic development.
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