Keywords: process approach, business process, classification, stages of implementation, unified model


The article is devoted to topical issues regarding the essence, elements and features of the use of the process approach to the management of any economic entities at the local, regional and state level in modern conditions of economic development. The authors analyzed the existing approaches to management, namely functional, systemic, situational and process, identified specific features of each of these approaches and identified shortcomings in the field of management of each of them. The article also examines the essence of the concept of "process approach", indicates the adjacent categories within which the development of the studied category took place, and also defines the specifics of the development of the corresponding approach. The features of using the process approach to management are determinedas a network of interrelated business processes, focused on the final result, valuable for the end consumer. The article lists the key elements of the process approach, among which the main ones are "input", "process", "output", "management", "process supplier", "process client" and defined features of the interaction of the relevant elements among themselves. The essence of the concept of "business process" was analyzed, a typical classification of business processes was provided, the essential characteristics of typical business processes were determined, and extended classifications of business processes were additionally analyzed. Two different approaches to the implementation of the process approach are described, their features and differences in the business process identification system are determined. The peculiarities of the implementation of process management according to each of the described approaches are determined, the stages of the implementation of the process approach are provided. The authors have developed and proposed a unified model for the implementation of the process approach, which isa step-by-step plan for the implementation (improvement) of the system of processes in any sphere of the economy, which takes into account the initial state and needs of the object of management, combines different approaches to the implementation of the process approach, thereby generalizing the possible options for the development of events and makes it possible to calculate the final results in a qualitative and quantitative measurement.


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How to Cite
Tetiana, A., Sydorov, O., & Miroshnichenko, M. (2024). UNIFIED MODEL OF THE PROCESS APPROACH IMPLEMENTATION TO MANAGEMENT. Economy and Society, (62). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-62-90