The article is devoted to the issues of labor incentives as the main source of increasing the labor productivity of enterprise personnel. The essence of labor incentives is revealed, its place in productivity management is shown. It is noted that the nature of labor behavior and activity of employees is influenced by the forms of remuneration and personnel incentives that is used at the enterprise. The differences between current and prospective, hard and soft incentives, and the functions of effective labor incentives are considered. Attention is paid to the necessity of taking into account the priority components using the labor incentive system in productivity management. The course of labor activity, under the influence of rapid development of equipment and technologies, including the availability of artificial intelligence, general automation and development of robotics, there is an intellectualization of economic activity, which necessitates the introduction of the principles of human potential activation into the labor incentive system, which lead to the increase in labor productivity is emphasized in the article. The basic principles of creating labor incentive system based on the principles of intellectualization, which contribute to the growth of employees’ labor productivity of the organization, their intellectual development and job satisfaction is considered in the article. The most common mistakes in applying the principles of intellectualization in labor incentive system so as not to reduce employee motivation are identified. It is noted that these mistakes can lead to decrease in employee’s motivation, deterioration in the work quality, and the increase in staff turnover, so it is important to carefully select the principles of intellectualization in labor incentive system, taking into account all possible risks. It has been proven that a properly built labor incentive system based on the principles of intellectualization can significantly increase labor productivity at the enterprise. At the same time, it should be flexible and adapted to changes in the organization and the external environment. The article provides recommendations for the development of effective system of labor incentives based on the principles of intellectualization, which will help to increase the level of labor productivity and employee’s satisfaction in the organization.
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