In accounting, inventory valuation methods play a crucial role in determining the financial position and performance of a company. This work is dedicated to a comparative analysis of various inventory valuation methods and their impact on financial results. The importance of this study is driven by the fact that inventory valuation plays a key role in reflecting the true financial position of an entity, influencing decision-making processes, financial reporting, and investor perception. The purpose of this article is to comprehensively analyze and compare common inventory valuation methods such as FIFO, weighted average cost, and others. Through comparative analysis in this study, the strengths, weaknesses, and characteristics of each method are examined, providing valuable analytical insights into their impact on financial reporting and performance indicators of the enterprise. By conducting thorough analysis of information and reviewing existing scholarly works, this research unveils the multifaceted impact of various inventory valuation methods on key financial indicators such as profitability, liquidity, and solvency. It demonstrates how the choice of inventory valuation method can distort financial results, alter tax liabilities, and influence managerial decisions. The study also assesses the impact of inventory valuation methods on the quality of financial reporting and compliance with accounting standards. The results of the comparative analysis highlight the importance of selecting an appropriate inventory valuation method tailored to the specific needs and circumstances of each enterprise. While no method is universally applicable, the findings underscore the importance of transparency, consistency, and adherence to accounting principles in inventory valuation practice. The prospects for further research in this field are promising. Future studies could delve into a more detailed examination of the impact of technological advancements, global supply chain trends, and regulatory changes on inventory valuation methods. Additionally, exploring the consequences of adopting alternative valuation methods such as fair value accounting, and their integration with traditional methods, represents a promising direction for future research.
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