Keywords: tourism, sustainable development, project, innovation, eco-hotel, services


The article considers the introduction of innovative services in accommodation facilities with an ecological concept. In accordance with the concept of sustainable tourism development, ecological practices and "greening" of hotel activities are one of the innovative trends. Innovations in accommodation facilities are most often associated with technological and marketing directions. The study of innovations in eco-hotels shows that the concept of sustainability is supported by reducing waste and saving costs and is ensured by the use of new equipment and facilities or new technical technologies. The search for and implementation of other innovations in eco-hotels will allow them to increase their competitiveness in the tourism market. Innovative additional services of "eco-entertainment" will strengthen the "educational" component of eco-hotels and create an entertainment component that is desirable for modern consumers. The justification of the concept of the Eco-Entertainment project for the eco-hotel "Villa Pinia" proves the possibility of creating innovative services and the feasibility of their implementation in the activities of the accommodation facility. The components of the Eco-Entertainment project justification include the following aspects: service concept, marketing justification of the service feasibility, and economic justification of the project. Eco-entertainment in a hotel can be designed according to certain stages, which also include the establishment of standardised service characteristics, the establishment of service process technology, and the definition of quality control methods. The eco-entertainment offered for the hotel in Odesa includes the following activities: excursions to nature reserves and national parks; cultivation of organic gardens and herb gardens; games and competitions related to environmental issues (online quest, insta-quiz); classes and master classes on making your own eco-friendly products as a souvenir (soap, cream, candles); morning yoga and outdoor meditation. The implementation of the Eco-Entertainment project will become an additional source of income, which will increase the efficiency of the hotel's operations. Revenue growth is projected to be approximately 2% across all revenue groups, as the number of overnight guests will increase.


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How to Cite
Drobotova, M., & Krasnomovets, V. (2024). INNOVATIONS IN ACCOMMODATION FACILITIES - PROJECT TO EXPAND SERVICES IN AN ECO-HOTEL. Economy and Society, (62).