Keywords: profitability analysis, automated budgeting, cost monitoring, strategic financial planning, integration of financial systems


The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of using data analytics to manage financial processes in the digital environment of Ukraine. The methodological basis of the research in this work is the methods of collecting and comparing information, as well as analysis, synthesis and generalization. It has been noted that Big Data opens up extraordinary opportunities for deepening our understanding of human behavior and the development of social processes in a way that was previously thought impossible. It is noted that one of the main advantages of Big Data as a resource is a large amount of information, which makes it possible to conduct a more detailed and comprehensive analysis, find previously invisible connections and patterns, identify trends and predict results based on more objective information. It is also noted that the emergence of Big Data has revolutionized the practice of information management at enterprises. The sheer volume and variety of data being generated, including both structured and unstructured information from multiple sources, is too much for traditional databases and processing methods. The exponential growth of information has created an urgent need for optimization solutions that will allow enterprises to quickly obtain useful information. The conclusion states that the use of data analytics to manage financial processes in the digital environment of Ukraine has great potential for increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of domestic enterprises. This approach makes it possible to forecast and model financial indicators, optimize risks and costs, manage liquidity and make informed strategic decisions. Data analytics help identify potential risks and ensure the accuracy of metrics and speed of financial reporting that is critical in the digital age.


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How to Cite
Suprunenko, S., Chornovol, A., & Havryliuk, V. (2024). USING DATA ANALYTICS TO MANAGE FINANCIAL PROCESSES IN THE DIGITAL ENVIRONMENT OF UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (62).