Keywords: non-profit sector, legal requirements for registration, non-profit organization, sign of non-profitability, specific weight of non-profit enterprises, organization of accounting


The article is devoted to the study of global and domestic practice regarding the regulatory and legal regulation of non-profit activities. This is due not only to the increase in the number of non-profit enterprises, but also to the strengthening of the role of organizations of the non-profit sector in socio-political and socio-economic processes as the basis of organization of accounting. Organizational approaches to the activities of non-profit organizations in such countries as Ukraine, Australia, the United States of America, Japan, the People's Republic of China, and the Republic of South Africa were analyzed. The general feature that unites the position of the above-mentioned states is that a non-profit organization does not necessarily have to have exclusively altruistic goals. It can act in the interests of a separate part of society, be it a religious community, an association of owners of an apartment building, or a trade union. In some countries, non-profit status is a tool for the implementation of state policy regarding the development of certain branches of the economy. For example, in Australia, non-profit status can be obtained by legal entities whose purpose is to preserve the environment. In Japan, which is subject to frequent earthquakes and tsunamis, disaster relief activities are non-profit. The authorities of the Republic of China declare their concern for the welfare and health of citizens and, as a result, non-profit status can be obtained by health care institutions and institutions related to sports activities. Non-profit organizations in Ukraine are almost a quarter of all economic entities. The possibility of expanding the list of enterprises and organizations that have the right to receive non-profit status should become the object of further research and scientific discussions in Ukraine, as this will allow more effective implementation of state policy and contribute to economic development and the development of public society. In contrast, it is almost impossible to find any aggregated information on the financial performance of the non-profit sector on official government portals, despite the fact that such institutions may be used to launder proceeds of crime or to finance terrorist activities.


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How to Cite
Ostapiuk , N., & Prymachenko, O. (2024). LEGISLATIVE REGULATION OF THE ACTIVITIES OF NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS AS THE BASIS OF THE ORGANIZATION OF ACCOUNTING . Economy and Society, (62). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-62-46