It has been established that logistics systems play a significant role in the country's economy and are a significant factor in economic growth. It has been proven that under modern conditions, the efficiency of the operation of logistics systems depends on ensuring the rational movement of financial flows and their coordination with other types of flow processes (material, information, etc.). The main theoretical approaches to the management of financial flows in logistics systems are studied. The diversity of the author's views on defining the goal of the management process is noted, and attention is focused on its complexity and systematicity. A system of principles has been formed on which the management of financial flows should be based and which reflect the most significant relationships, interconnections and regularities of the functioning of logistics systems. Among them: the principle of scientificity; risk minimization; complexity; systematicity; legality; coordination; adaptability; dynamism and synergy. It is noted that in practice such principles exist in the form of norms and rules that must be followed when managing financial flows, taking into account the specifics of logistics activity, modern challenges and threats. Attention is focused on the fact that the system of principles acts as an effective factor in optimizing the movement of financial flows and increasing the efficiency of the operation of logistics systems. It is emphasized that rational management of financial flows is carried out by using certain methods. A complex of them has been formed, which is proposed to be divided into groups based on their functional characteristics. Namely: administrative, regulatory, economic, financial, organizational, informational. The main tools for their implementation are considered. It was noted that the effective integration of these methods and the corresponding tools will increase the efficiency of financial flow management, optimize costs in the process of logistics activities, reduce the need for borrowed funds, influencing the level of financial independence and stability, providing logistics systems with additional competitive advantages.
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