The article is devoted to the topical issues of researching models of the organization of creative management of an enterprise in the context of managing its strategic changes and development. It also analyzes various theoretical approaches to the definition of the concept of «creative management», which comprehensively includes a set of practices, strategies and models that shape and promote the development of creative thinking, innovations and create favorable conditions for creativity, innovation, non-standard models of system implementation management at the enterprise. Accordingly, creative management can include various aspects of management, such as: the formation of new ideas, analysis, synthesis, evaluation and implementation of ideas, and creativity can be an innate personality trait, but it can also be developed and improved based on various methods, such as : training, learning, practice and research. It is analyzed that the management of creativity reflects the ability of an individual to create new ideas, concepts, solutions or products, marked by originality, novelty and value, respectively - it can be manifested in various spheres of life, such as: art, science, technology, business, leadership. Determined are main tasks of the organization of creative management at the enterprise are determined through the search for such personalities among the staff and their effective management through the formation of creative and creative groups in the context of managing its strategic development and changes, since the organization of the creative management system needs constant improvement. In addition, the presented main types of creative groups formed at the enterprise and their interaction with organizational models of creative management depending on the selected strategic management priorities of its development and probable changes. Based on the obtained results, we proposed and characterized the optimal types of models that can be used for the effective organization of creative management of the enterprise in the context of managing its strategic changes and development.
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