The article is devoted to actual theoretical and applied aspects of the study of the effectiveness of the enterprise management system in the conditions of global economic development. The work explores distinctive and common features of the conceptual apparatus of "effectiveness" and "efficiency", in particular, it is proposed to find effectiveness as "the degree of implementation of planned activities and achievement of planned results", and efficiency as "the ratio between the achieved result and the used resources". External and internal factors that influence the effectiveness of the enterprise management system are singled out. It was established that there is no ambiguity in determining the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the enterprise's management system. It is noted that the definition of the approach to establishing the specified criteria first of all requires an understanding of which subsystems the enterprise management system has, for this purpose it is proposed to distinguish the controlled and controlling subsystems of the enterprise management. The effectiveness of the management subsystem of the enterprise is proposed to be determined through the prism of the effectiveness of the elements that ensure the management process - management functions (planning, organization, motivation, control and regulation); management methods (economic, technological, socio-psychological and administrative) and management decisions. The effectiveness of the managed subsystem, which includes elements that ensure the direct process of operational, investment and financial activities of the enterprise, is proposed to be determined by the degree of unity of systems (subsystems) of a lower order, in particular: technical (a set of means of labor) and technological (a set of economic connections between elements of the system. For the purpose of general evaluation of the effectiveness of the management system of enterprises, such criteria as the degree of goal achievement, the degree of satisfaction of needs, the size of potential needs, the market share of profiling products, the stability of competitive advantages, and potential development opportunities are usually used.
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